Tuesday 15 September 2009

random scribbled observations an animal with lungs is merely visiting the planet.

In a sense the world is becoming drawn together into one great communications network. Not so long ago philosophers had to travel for days by horse and carriage in order to investigate the world around them and meet other philosophers. Today we can sit anywhere at all on this planet and access the whole of human experience on a computer screen.

Occassionally infinitessimal errors occur in the process so that the copied cell is not exactly the same as the mother cell. in modern biological terms this is a mutation mutations are either totally irrelevant or they can lead to marked changes in the behaviour of the individual they can be directly harmful and such 'mutants' will be continually discarded from large broods. Many diseases are infact due to mutations. But sometimes a mutation can give an individual just that extra positiv characteristic needed to hold its own in the struggle for existence.

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