Tuesday 15 September 2009

Bagel of death

Friends talk among friends about going to a mansion during vacation. Knowing little of its haunting past...they decide to go. A horrid past haunts this mansion, causing strange things to happen while they are in the mansion. Jealousy grows among some. Romance and Love grows intertwined. They soon learn the history of the mansion they are residing at...will they stay or leave. This is the story of this mansion..of Romance...

Alright. Pretty much what the story says, this is a role play where emotions fly...and so do some items! I thought it would be awesome to take a Horror story and mix it with a Romance story, and put Harry potter in the mix.

Kathrine laughed "Come on dont be chicken!" she said walking inside, she looked around, everyone had just arrived The mansion was dark, and Medieval looking. It scared her slightly, she felt as if some one was watching her.

Evra had not yet entered the mansion, due to fear. With Hailey behind him quivering, he felt quite uncomfortable

Johanna was looking around for someone to go in with her, she refused to go in alone

Aeyron got out of the taxi and felt a sudden chill down his spine... "Hey there." Aeyron said to the girl that was looking around, "Who're you looking for???" Aeyron looked up at the mansion and imagined a moat around the place with banners and a portacullis. "Looks kinda cool doesn't it?"

"Cool in a spooky way" Kathrine said

Hannah took a deep breath as she took in the sight of the mansion. "We're staying here?"
Damien, her older brother, nodded. "Seems like it."
"Come on, then," Shane said with much enthusiasm. He took one of Elle's shaking hands and dragged her inside.
Hannah looked at her brother. "There is no way I'm entering that house. '
"Mansion actually," Damien corrected her.
'Whatever," Hannah said. "I am not going in there."
Damien rolled his eyes. He swept Hannah off her feet, hoisted her over his right shoulder, and carried her inside.

Julio was dragged in by his sister as usual. Ora tugged on him until they made it in one piece. "Seems my eyebrow nearly got sliced because of you," Julio said bitterly.

"It's not my fault you can't side apparate correctly," Ora retorted. She stopped shortly as she saw Johanna.

"Hey, aren't you going inside? We got the message to meet up here."

Mike cowardly stepped up to Damien, "H-Hey she said trying to sound as brave as possible, "She said that she didn't want to go i-inside!" But it was too late, and poor Mike had to run after them both inside.

Hermione and Annette came from the dark night together, shivering. Not from fear but from the utter cold night. "Why are we even here?" Annette asked her. Hermione shrugged. She simply walked forward to Julio who was still wondering if he should go inside.

"Are you scared?" she asked.

"No! Of course not! I was just waiting on you and Annette. Yes, that's it." He grinned.

"Come in with us then. Seems the rest of them are inside."

Evra walked inside, with Hailey clinging to his back "Get off me..." he muttered

"Nope....not if you paid me a million bucks, i am scared out of my wits" Hailey whined

Johanna noticed a few people walking inside, she was off in a dark corner. She ran and followed them inside.

Ora frowned. She seemed to be ignored over the girl's freight. "Hey! Johanna! Wait up!" Ora whined.

Johanna turned "Ora!!! Hi" she said

She started to pant as she stopped, "W-Why are.. we here? This place smells kinda funny..."

Johanna shrugged "I dont know, was not my idea. But ya know, i like the whole design of it." she said "but its got a strange aura"

"Whaddya mean? If you mean the smell..." Ora looked around for a minute and then turned her head back around. "Wait a minute, you aren't having a Luna Lovegood moment are you?"

Johanna laughed hard "No silly!! The air feels heavy around here. it makes me feel uneasy" she said

She shrugged lightly, "I don't feel it. I just smell it. You don't think its dark magic do you?"

"Who knows." Johanna said

Aeyron decided to push on through the house and first floor, heading toward the stairs... "I bet they have a killer library." He said aloud to the others in the house... 'I know what I can do, I'll charm the books to "attack" anyone that comes in... Perfect' He thought to himself.

Hermione's ears perked up and she seemed to follow Aeyron. "Did you say library?"

Julio was being dragged along for the ride. "Hermione, I really don't-"

"Shh, you won't be like Ron, come with me and Aeyron."

Ora frowned, "I hope not."

Johanna nodded

Aeyron did an about face and looked at Hermione, "Perhaps it would be best if I went in for a quick minute and checked it out... I mean just so you don't hurt yourself." Aeyron amended, trying to keep his plan rolling.

Hermione stopped short and flared her nostrils. "I can take care of myself thank you," she said harshly. "Honestly, why do you boys think that I need the help when half the time I'm the one saving you."

Kathrine was walking when she was shoved by something, when she turned nothing was there..."Oh great...now i am imagining things" she said when she passed Aeyron and Hermione, looking quite freaked out

Johanna looked at Ora "So wanna head inside?"

"That looks like the library... Come on." Aeyron said, pushing past Kathrine, "Kath, we already knew you were crazy, no need to prove it." He whispered as he went by, giving a joking smile. "Huh, kinda stuck." Aeyron pushed his hardest against the heavy wooden doors. "Okay, I saw this once in a movie, let's try it." Aeyron walked to the top of the stairs, gauged the distance and ran full force at the doors, jumping up as if to kick them down... but never made contact, just before his feet would have touched the doors, they flew open and swallowed, closing just as swiftly behind him.

"Oh hell," Julio muttered. Hermione took out her wand in an instant. "Great, first bad thing to happen. I had a bad feeling about this."

"What spell are you going to use?" he asked her.

"I don't know, Katherin, any ideas?" Hermione frowned.

Ora grabbed Johanna's hand and lead her inside, "no need to ask me."

Kathrine looked confused "Nope....What the hell just happened"

Johanna laughed a bit

Hermione grunted in frustration. "That door just ate Aeyron," Hermione said. "I wish Harry was here. No, I can do this."

She pointed her wand and cast a few spells but none of them seemed to work.

Julio took out his wand but had no ideas. Instead, he walked up to the door and tried to kick it open again.

Kathrine sighed "I knew i was not just imagining things earlier...." she said and she walked up to the door

"Okay, not funny guys, Carpe Retractum." Aeyron said, pulling his wand from his sleeve and pulling at the door, but it wouldn't budge. "Open the door!" He went and pounded hard, doing nothing but hurting his hand. "Ahh... that hurt." He said, gripping his hand. He whirled around as he heard a rustle behind him, he looked and saw a book lying on the ground. 'what the heck?' He went and picked up the book looking at the first page, The art and tools of warfare, Author Unknown, underneath he saw a picture of a delicate but dangerous-looking sword. "Looks real." he said, throwing it over his shoulder but instead of a thud, hearing the clang of metal and the slice of it being picked up.

Hermione's ears pricked up. "Aeyron? Can you hear me?" she yelled.

"What was that thud? Kat, are you alright?" Julio seemed to only have questions.

Kathrine studied the door "I think i can find a way in...thank god dad was a paranormal investigator..." she muttered

"Muggle or magical?" Hermione asked. She starting to feel she was surrounded by Luna Lovegoods.

Aeyron heard the faint noise of Hermione's voice, he was backing toward the door not taking his eyes off of the sword that was now doing acrobatics in the air while he himself conjured one... "Okay, guys? I'm sorry about my plan to make the books attack anyone that came in here, but WHY AND HOW THE HECK ARE YOU DOING THIS!!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, blocking the now offensive sword going for his heart, fighting off the attacks with greace and finesse, as artfully as a dancer. "JOKE'S OVER! STOP THE SWORD AND LET ME OUT!!!" He yelled at them, still thinking they were playing a trick on him.

Hermione started to bang on the door. "Aeyron? What are you talking about? We aren't doing anything but trying to get you out!"

Kathrine tapped three times in the middle of the door, then pushed on it and it slid open a bit, but it seemed as if it was being blocked off by something, as if barricaded

"How did you-- Oh nevermind, seems blocked," Hermione bit her lower lip. She pointed her wand and uttered another spell.

Kathrine smirked "You learn a thing or two when you dad works with this stuff." she said "Damn...its barricaded...this is gonna be harder then i thought"

Julio pointed his wand, "Depr--"

Hermione cupped her hand over his mouth, "Don't use that spell! You'll destroy the door and hurt everyone! Think will you?"

She pointed her wand again, "Wingardium Leviosa". She waited to see if that took out the obstruction.

Kathrine looked at them "Magic is not gonna work...but y'all are welcome to keep trying" she said "The Paranormal are not altered by magic." she said "And yes i am aware how crazy i sound."

Hermione put her wand down and for a moment was going to say something, but she held back. "Do you mean to tell me that what's happening here isn't magical?"

"Where's Luna when you need her?" Julio muttered.

"Nope. No magic at all. If it were we would be able to tell. and also, All you have to do is go through the door at this point." Kathrine said "Just walk right through, there is nothing in front of the door, at first i thought there was but if there had been i would not be able to do this." Kathrine walked right into the Library with out another word.

"Remind me again if I'm awake," Julio said with a blink.

"You're awake and so am I. I just don't believe this..." Hermione muttered. She walked through the door leaving Julio behind.

"H-Hey wait! What if something attacks me out here! Wait!" he whined as he too threw himself through the door.

"TELL THAT TO THE SWORD AN INCH AWAY FROM MY THROAT!!! HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN WITHOUT ANY MAGICAL INTERFEREN-- Ouch, you son of a... GUN! YOU GUYS HAPPY NOW, YOU GOT ME!!!" Aeyron yealled, still fighting off the sword while stemming the blood... "OH, YOU EVEN GOT THE BOOKS TO BARRICADE THE DOOR, ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME???" Aeyron did a hard slice and caused the sword to hit the ground and shatter. "It's about... crap." Aeyron looked up and saw 50 more of the swords appear in midair, all poised and ready for battle. "Tergeo, there got the blood off. I need another sword." Aeyron conjured one and yelled back out the door. "OKAY, I BELIEVE YOU NOW, THIS IS WAY TOO MUCH... EVEN FOR HERMIONE. SO HURRY UP!!!" Aeyron yelled, now defending himself from the onslaught of swords, getting minor scratches as he fought hard, but ignoring them.

Kathrine sighed "Whatever is in the mansion feels threatened..."

Lacey hesitated, staring at the mansion. "I dunno about this, Luce..."

Lucy nodded in agreement with Lacey. "Me either... It's weird."

Lacey smiled weakly and went to take her sister's hand. "C'mon. I need to find Mike."

Lucy giggled, "Oooh, Mike!"

Lacey playfully punched Lucy on the arm. "Shut up. What if he is around here? He'll hear you!"

The two continued to search for the rest.

"Aeyron!" Hermione rushed forward, "Are you alright?" She pointed her wand but then bit her lower lip. "Right, no magic huh?"

Julio muttered something under his breath. "Now what? Do we just run?"

Kathrine sighed "I am gonna sound crazy again...just a warning" she said then looked up "Is someone here??" she said loudly "Can you tell us a name??" she said again "We mean no harm, we do not wish to hurt you!" she said.

The moment she finished the swords stopped and the books fell

"Thank god that worked...i didnt think it would" Kathrine said

"You know... Thank goodness for those practicings I did in the Shrieking Shack." Aeyron said, checking out his own blood-stained shirt and bleeding cuts... but mainly looking at the bloody gash on his upper shoulder. "that's gonna leave a mark." He said, fainting promptly afterward, from the loss of blood.

"damn it" Kathrine said turning to Aeyron

Aeyron moaned as he stirred, his muscles ached and his body felt warm... except the chills running through every nerve and vein in his body. "Kathrine... I need to tell you something. Come here, so I can whisper it to you." Aeyron said, conjuring what little strength he had, 'please stay with me long enough to tell her' he pleaded.

Kathrine looked confused and bent down by him "Yes? whats it?"

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