Tuesday 15 September 2009


At the little office inside the door i gave my name to the elderly secretary who looked old enough to remember jesus in pantalooons. Then gave it to her again, as she'd managed to forget it somewhere between hearing it and looking for a pen with which to write it down. Behind her, an overweight woman with frizzy black hair typed slowly on a computer, the expression on her face suggesting that someone had forced her on pain of death, to suck repeatedly on a sour lemon. They seemed like the kind of women who considered it their sacred duty to be unhappy and regarded anyone with a smile on his face as mired in unimagineable vice. I smiled, and tried to give the impression that only I engaged in imagineable vices. In return, the secretary guided or more so directed me to an uncomfortable plastic chair. When I sat on it, it teetered to the left, forcing me to shift my weight to the right or tumble straight back out the door.
After a couple of minutes, a man appeared in the doorway of the room to my left. He wore a brown uniform shirt and neatly pressed brown trousers. According to the badge at his breast, his name was Grass. The local stoners probably laughed themselves blue in the face, at least until Grass got up close and personal with them. He was a young man in his twenties, and when he shook my hand I felt one of my knuckles pop.

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