Thursday 23 April 2009

I wanted to write about empathy
and misanthropy
leaning to entropy
for all the careless whispers in our lives
choking on the fumes of dead businessmen
we lie here waiting to die
but it doesnt happen
Our society has fallen
Our children have failed
the world is a disgusting place.
Injesting eachother
taking in recycled goods
stagnant and old we hobble where we should leap
we gore on rotten meat we cannibalise eachother
We sow our wild oats in anothers luxuries

If youre going down youre taking me with you
I know this, you know this. But does she?

Your disease
your life
your existence
to plague me
is that all you will ever be happy with?
You can walk all over me like family never would
And you can deny me anything you can deny me anything you think i will love
the fact is I am life
you can take
and ill keep on giving
because i will never stop
and you will get tired of destroying everything you touch eventually.

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