Monday 27 April 2009

Death on the cards

i had a dream i had it made
sail your ships out of the way
i had a dream i had it made
wont you sail away with me

death in the city
im just another lost cause
that empty old city
with death on the cards
death on the cards
death on the cards

Sunday 26 April 2009


where did the weekend go?

Thursday 23 April 2009


I feel something
Way back in the pit of my psyche
where snakes burrow
and witches cackle
and worlds clouded by darkness
lay undiscovered

to rediscover this animation
to break through with this communication
the walls are being battered
and the fake ideals shattered
make no sense at all

now the world makes sense to me
after the years of not growing
and getting the best of me
i took the time reached the borderline
and now i am fit
i can feel the world alive

to rediscover communication
and still believe that i am here
with fake ideals shattered
ill come undone

ill take back my dignity
my pride my fears the rest of me
ill take away your pain
and tell you i want you

but you cant feel the way i feel
our minds work so differently
and your world is still undiscovered
maybe not there at all

and i feel something
i can see the fire
the red and yellow cities of indigo plateus
these places in which i dream
i wake feeling far from lost
and i feel something
I wanted to write about empathy
and misanthropy
leaning to entropy
for all the careless whispers in our lives
choking on the fumes of dead businessmen
we lie here waiting to die
but it doesnt happen
Our society has fallen
Our children have failed
the world is a disgusting place.
Injesting eachother
taking in recycled goods
stagnant and old we hobble where we should leap
we gore on rotten meat we cannibalise eachother
We sow our wild oats in anothers luxuries

If youre going down youre taking me with you
I know this, you know this. But does she?

Your disease
your life
your existence
to plague me
is that all you will ever be happy with?
You can walk all over me like family never would
And you can deny me anything you can deny me anything you think i will love
the fact is I am life
you can take
and ill keep on giving
because i will never stop
and you will get tired of destroying everything you touch eventually.
but yeah im not really bothered about losing my facebook, ill probably get it back if they can be assed mailing me back.

But still the good stuff is still safe

oh yeah, the only real important thing in life.

ok im gonna post some random stuff off notepad and wordpad now so yay

'You can't write unless everything is right'

he was a genious what a waste - Jim from star trek

Misanthropy = all people are shit boring and stupid.

Penwald ambidextrous

Someone sent me this and i liked it... i love u with every piece of my heart i cant wait to see u hug u kiss u and be with u

I overheard this on a bus I was in the elevator with him today. It was like taking a ride to heaven with him.

she also then started talking about how much she loves big cocks .. but yeah she was an individual.

As long as there is life, there is hope. "To thine ownself be true"
and smile it makes others wonder. Work like you dont need the money,
Love like you've never been hurt & Dance like nobodys watching!

This I love
How strangers on the street can smile and look for more than a second
Without fear of rejection
which is mans greatest downfall.
There is nothing worse than an Individual with style and character
But is afraid of talking or making a scene of themselves.
We are our own worst enemy and critique
The last thing you need is someone else fucking with your day.

Make yourself a cup of coffee
watch the shit on tv
listen to music just like everybody
I dont know about you
But Iv always had this feeling
that i have a purpose a meaning
Im sure my existence isnt pointless
I am sure
Im happy with this
And in this hour I feel like I've accomplished something.

I count the days for my purpose
Then I realise its all infront of me.
Teachers preachers carers and spies
all the cover ups and white lies
for every argument that seems worthless
and every punch we throw
what goes around comes around
And you may never know

more shite:

every second of your life is amazing picture you didnt take

im a muslim but i think jesus would have a drink with me hed be cool hed talk to me - Mike Tyson

whats wrong with you do ya fancy me or something?

Agalloch idk why i wrote that

umop ap!sdn upside down

This is the most recent thing i wrote

here i am
ontop of this mountain
looking down
all i see
is whats infront of me
and thats you

in your world
in my mind
taking everything for granted
pursuing me
hating me
and i dont even know it

this makes my world fall down
failing to see
that everything you will ever be
is nothing without me
i am your polarity

meh its a 30 second poem

Main Entry: mag·nan·i·mous
Pronunciation: \mag-'na-n?-m?s\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin magnanimus, from magnus great + animus spirit — more at much, animate
Date: 1567
1 : showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit
2 : showing or suggesting nobility of feeling and generosity of mind
— mag·nan·i·mous·ly adverb
— mag·nan·i·mous·ness noun

you have eyes but you do not see

Im the big money hustler! remember when you didnt buy me that coffee? you didnt think i noticed right? Now i got the money what the fucks up now!

search homeless mike on youtube theres a cool kid with dreads totally taking the piss out of this guy


You Are So Beautiful
Doped Up And Numbingly, Willingly Sedated.
Lifeless And Glass Eyes,
Gaze Into A Lonely World Of Casualties.
Your Body Lay Broken On The Cold Bathroom Floor.
Your Body Lay Broken.
You Were So Beautiful,
Looking For Thrills With Open Arms And Venomous Smile.
Your Life Equated Only Agony,
For Years Breathing Tragedy.
Go To Sleep My Darling,
Never May You Wake Again.
I Promise This Is For Your Own Good.
You Were So Gutless.
You Were So Callous.
You Were So Spineless.
You Fucking Deserve This.


So.... I was gonna write something but forgot.


give me a second...

No its gone.

Tuesday 7 April 2009


I saw pictures on facebook of people i used to know having a jolly good time and it made me a little bit ...... something.

Still out with the old in with the new! Tornadoes in America Earthquakes in Italy and Floods in England. Is this the end?