Sunday 31 May 2009

fish bowl

This is gonna seem kinda strange, but indulge me. I want you to picture a fishbowl. Goldfish, party of one. If it helps, go ahead and shut your eyes. Maybe take a few deep breaths, but don’t go snoozing on me, we've got a little bit of ground to cover. Got the fishbowl in mind? Good.

I think it might have already been established that I'm a fairly simple man. Though I'm not eleven years old, when I use my mind’s beady little eye to conjure up a fishbowl, I might as well be. Where the more right-brained among us (freaks of nature, as they are) might be able to craft a flawless representation of a fishbowl, capturing the subtle motion of the crystal clear ripples playing at the water's surface and each small aquamarine pebble's perfect placement at the bottom of the glass, I see little more than a cartoon.

My water is represented by a lackluster stand-in, the scalloped line. My goldfish is the kind of crude approximation you might find on the back of a mid 90's Tercel, either proclaiming the existence of God, or offering a challenge via Darwinism. The only bit of dramatic flair my brain is willing to offer comes by way of three small circles in stasis. These de-oxygenated triplets, my cortex assures me, more than sufficiently convey the physiological complexities that exist to extract and excrete gases, thereby providing the goldfish with both life and buoyancy. Like I said, fairly simple.

Whether or not your own bears a striking resemblance to mine and we're now forever bonded as shame brothers, or you concocted something that's now giving you an unbridled sense of creative superiority doesn't matter all that much. You can go ahead and stow that memory. We're going to spend the next few paragraphs adding a new definition to the word "fishbowl." Here's the figurative from my own dictionary (I'm not claiming to have written or published a dictionary, mind you, I just happen to own one).

"Fishbowl - a place open to public view and criticism : there was no privacy in his office; it was a fishbowl."

That's the kind of fishbowl I'm talking about. Of course by this definition, nearly every office at Bungie fits the bill. Typically when you take your seat inside the studio, everybody can see in, and everybody can see out. If you're a person prone to being distracted by shiny objects onscreen, you'd probably bump into a lot of folks while you were making your way around the study. That's why we don't do public tours. Insurance, see.

But though the analogy could be stretched to encompass most of the studio, the proper noun, "Fishbowl," belongs to the joint occupying a pretty sizable chunk of the corner near the studio's front entrance. In fact were it not for the soundproofing, someone with a keen sense of hearing might be able to make out, say, the ratchet of the front door’s handle being tested by potential perpetrators. Perpetrators whose fathers help them get in on the act. Where was I? Ah yes, aside from its proximity to the main entrance, the Fishbowl also boasts some serious hardware that other, more traditional fishbowls don’t. There's a latticework of heavy wrought iron beams with a handful of enormous bolts to moor the room's framework to the exterior walls, and thick, heavy-looking panes of virtually soundproof, green opaque glass that serve as both wall and work surface for some stuff you more than likely won’t ever see. Super secret type stuff.

life is beautiful

. I’ve never really appreciated life.
I chose to run away from problems, always taking the easy way out.
[[Tomorrow You're gonna have to live with the things you say]]
A new days marching through the door
I HATE change. Just like Holden Caulfield.
But the truth is Everything changes… you can’t stop it. It just happens.
God, he will not save you
Is not, he ill not save you
Here, he will not save you from this
You can’t live your life thinking everything will be handed to you
Or that if you fuck up, it will all be fixed.
walking tall with nothing to fear
I’m not going to sit here and tell you how to live
But I’ve gone through more then anyone should
I don’t have any pity on my life
And I don’t have any regrets.
the world must know my story, so long amory
Please drive me home one last time
I’ve seen too many people throw away their lives
I’ll be damned if I threw mine away
victims pay the cost eventually,
The cost lets see y o u r l i f e

had too many to count
not on my mind right now
im single, and im enjoying it
i like someone... but its complicated
ive been torn apart one too many times
You could have been all I wanted
But you weren't honest
Now get in the ground
You choked off the surest of favors
But if you really loved me
You would have endured my world

Make a impact on my life, and on others
Change my world.
h e l p u s t h i s w o r l d ' s n o w b r e a k i n g